There are many forms of internet advertising available. Television basically only has one form, a short video clip either convincing people to use a product or at least forcing a customer to remember a product or service for the future. Conversely, there are many different ways to appeal to customers online and some of these ways are more effective than others. The basic kinds of internet advertising are pop-ups, e-mail advertisements, banner advertisements, endorsements from other websites, and social media.
Pop-ups used to be a very popular form of advertising. Generally, websites would send a tracking file to your computer called a cookie when you visited. These cookies could track your internet viewing and help companies tailor advertising to you. Often they could do other things like pop up advertisements on your computer. These pop-ups would force people to see the ads before being closed. Companies relied on this strategy to expose potential customers to their websites by force. However, most common spyware software will now prevent pop-ups and will block websites that use them. Do not scare customers away with this aggressive strategy. Avoid pop-up marketing.
E-mails can be another source of information for past customers. When a customer purchases a product at your website ask them if you can send regular updates with specials and new products. Remember that that is all they have agreed to. Selling your customers' e-mail address to other companies that spam or being an email spammer yourself will turn off your customers. Instead, have a visible privacy policy available on your website and use it. Spam e-mails are often blocked and easily deleted meaning that many of your hopeful e-mails will never be seen by your customers.
Banner advertisements can be another way to attract customers. Remember that these web placements cost money. Programs like Google Adsense may increase hits to your website but you pay by the click. The more popular your advertisement is, the more you pay. Also one of the more popular web browsers today, Mozilla Firefox, has add-on that blocks these advertisements. While they may be beneficial, think carefully before putting money into banner advertising. If you do decide to use banner advertising be sure to place ads on website that are relevant to your business
Affiliate marketing, which relies on other people to help market your products, may be another way to increase your traffic. This is equivalent to the commercial model for advertising. Basically another person or website endorses your products and business and convinces customers to visit you. Much like a celebrity selling a product through a commercial, you are relying on endorsements from other websites. Just remember that many companies associated with affiliate marketing charge commission meaning they get a percentage of sales. If your profit margin is relatively low you may either need to increase your prices, make less money, or maybe even take a loss for a while.
Last, consider social media for advertising. This can be something free like setting up a Facebook account where you communicate with existing customers. Or you can pay social networks like Facebook to advertise for you by placing ads on users' homepages. Since people often have to accept Facebook's scripts, it can be harder to block these advertisements.
Remember that not all forms of internet advertising are equal. It is easy to block and avoid spam, pop-ups, and some banner advertising. More effective ads like affiliate marketing can be expensive but they are still worth considering. Remember to track advertising's effect on your business and make educated decisions so that you know your money is being spent effectively.
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