Content Marketing does it Work

The Internet has allowed businesses, big or small the opportunity to capture the same audience and customers. Traditionally, expensive SEO services (search engine optimization) or pay per click adverting (keyword bidding to be ranked higher in search engine results) were the common methods used to reach your targeted online audience. Unfortunately, many small business owners or home based entrepreneurs did not have the advertising budget required to effectively use SEO services or PPC advertising.

The key to having success online is website traffic. Understanding Article Marketing and Blogging will allow anyone the ability to drive massive traffic to their website for free.

Article Marketing and Blogging allows you to write an ezine (online article/magazine) about topics of interest using relative keywords and phrases. The keywords that are used throughout your article are then identified by the search engines when potential customers perform a relative keyword search. The key is to have good content in your article with relative keywords. The more article views you have, the higher your page rankings will be.

Remember to always include your website link at the bottom of each article. Article writing allows you to offer your visitors valuable information, identifies you and your company as an expert in your field, increases sales, and return visitors to your website.

Keys to Article Marketing Success

1. Find multiple ezine sites and directories to submit your articles.

2. Complete the Author's profile and picture.

3. Create a resource box (contact information and website link).

4. Make sure that every article submitted includes your resource box.

5. Always add keywords in the tag box.

6. Spell check every submission.

7. Always make sure your article was accepted and live.

Yes, Article Marketing and Blogging works.The most important thing is to be consistent with your article submissions and blog postings. I personally recommend a minimum of 2-3 postings per week and watch your traffic and sales increase.

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